

Offers the first systematic synthesis of the tools used by social science research traditions emphasizing the importance of time. It tries to turn comparative historical analysis from being craft learned from skilled practitioner into a more standardized, and thus more readily learnable methodology. It explicates the different conceptualizations of history, temporal dynamics (i.e. sequencing, timing, tempo, duration), and discuss their methodological implications. I prepared short lecture highlighting the book's key points. Publisher link.
Explains the divergence in the programmatic and electioneering innovativeness of French and German parties after 1918. It focuses on the adoption of Germany’s system of proportional representation in 1918 to explain why Germany parties became more centralized, hierarchical, ossified, and hence less capable to adapt to the rapidly changing interwar political environment. France’s double ballot electoral system did not have the same ossifying effects.  Publisher link.

Works in Progress:


    • Is part of special issues devoted to the 40th anniversary of State and Social Revolutions. See other contributions and Skocpol's reply in the same issue.
    • Was part of a special issues on process tracing. See responses by Renate Mayntz, Kimberly Morgan, James Mahoney in the same issue.
    • See replies by Charles Boix, Thomas Cussack, Torben Iverson, and David Soskice in the same issue of the APSR.

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